News You should know p6 BETT 2025 Showcasing education tech p12
BETT 2025 – p12
Cybersecurity – p44
The impact of a cyberattack can be significant in monetary and reputational terms. Is it something customers can afford? No – and MSPs and VARs can help customers to avoid them.
Exclusive Networks Rob Tomlin on the Exclusive way p18 Dual Voltage Systems Simplifying battery management p21 Product Lauches Asus Chromebook CR series p24 Lenovo ThinkPad X9 Aura Editions p28 Energy Efficient Computers Working efficiently p30 Data Management In warehousing and logistics businesses p34 Eagle Eye – BI Hardware firewalls p40 Cybersecurity Don't take the risk p44 Profile TIEVA – a winning strategy p47 On the move p50
The annual BETT show was held in January and showcased the best in technology that is available to the education sector, highlighting some of the innovation that is helping to make educators’ lessons more engaging and lives easier.
Product Launch: Asus Chromebook CR Series – p24
Learning without limits ASUS has just launched its Chromebook CR series, which has been tailored for the needs of those providing education for children and young people aged five to 18.
Profile: TIEVA – p47
BI: Hardware Firewalls – p40
Unlike software firewalls, hardware firewalls offer dedicated resources and enhanced performance, making them a preferred choice for enterprises seeking comprehensive network protection.
TIEVA won the Reseller of the Year Award at the Stockies last year, having had a successful 12 months, thanks to its focus on providing better customer outcomes and staying on the crest of customer trends.
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