News in the Channel - issue #17


precious data. The queen, however, was smart. She didn’t let on that she had a secret weapon, a Fortinet solution to prevent this encryption. A s the third night came to a close, and Rumpelstiltskin – convinced of victory, danced in delight on the spot repeating his challenge to successfully guess his name. The queen, who until now had played along, used Fortinet user identification to decipher the complex code that concealed Rumpelstiltskin’s identity. In a dramatic turn of events, the queen, armed with Fortinet’s insights, successfully announced Rumpelstiltskin’s name, defeating the villain, unlocking the encryption and saving her precious data. D efeated by the queen’s cleverness and Fortinet’s expertise, Rumpelstiltskin

vanished into the shadows of the dark web. The queen and her digital kingdom, fortified by the protection of Fortinet, lived happily ever after. T he moral of the story: In the digital realm, where cyberthreats may appear as allies, it is crucial to have a vigilant defender like Fortinet. With the right cybersecurity ally, one can decipher the codes, guess the names of digital adversaries, and safeguard the most precious assets from the threats that lurk in the kingdom of data.

Become a Fortinet partner to discover how to provide your customers with comprehensive cybersecurity solutions to protect their networks, applications, and data from evolving threats.


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