Changing fleets to match changing times For many, returning to the office did not mean returning to the same place they left two years
their fleets to serve a more specialised purpose in the company. The implied sales recorded by Stock in the Channel tells this story quite well, with departmental scanners that can serve an entire floor of an office taking preference of late over smaller, more business unit focused hardware.
ago, especially in the way that businesses operate. One such change is that of the paper lifecycle and how workers treat documents. This means that many companies are updating INDUSTRY INSIGHT “Scanning used to be a nice addition on a multifunctional device. Suddenly, in some cases, scanning is becoming more important than print,” notes Jarek. He adds that dedicated scanners are considered more often in certain companies as the documentation lifecycle has greater focus on a shift to digital. Having a dedicated scanner for many business goals is more productive and cheaper than a multifunctional unit.
Departmental scanners are experiencing a shift in sales
Department Desktop Workgroup
Emergent product to solve problems One category to watch, as predicted by Jarek, is that of the network scanner. These scanners allow you to scan from anywhere, not necessitating clunky connections with your computer.
Canon scanner average product searches compared to ScanFront 400
On average, Canon’s flagship network scanner is experiencing an increase in interest not matched by scanners of a similar specification. With ad hoc scanning seemingly bridging the gap between the convenience of working from home, where you manage your own equipment, to that of the centralisation of working in an office, a network scanner that serves the entire department could be a step in the right direction for 2023.
Canon imageFORMULA ScanFront 400 Other
Higher volume, higher stability
Conclusion With the use of scanners dependant on uncontrollable shifts such as society’s trend towards digitalisation and the relationship between business partners in the office, we will keenly watch the data to spot these trends as they develop, and further question causes and effects of changes in the channel in 2023. Until then, a merry festive season from the analytics team at Stock in the Channel, and here’s to seeing you again in 2023!
Jarek notes that one category that remains stable is that of production scanners. These units are generally not as affected by the societal changes we see affecting other scanners, since they are not subject to the same shifts in the office environment as other groups, due to its specific use in high volume scanning projects.
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