Public Sector Solutions Guide

public sector sustainability

The value of sustainability Sustainability – of products, services and the way a business operates is key when bidding on public sector work today and can be the difference between getting a contract and not, so resellers must give it the attention it deserves. When putting together a bid for public sector work, service and price are of course crucial, but of increasing significance is sustainability – and it is something that can be make or break for a bid. “For all Government bids, at least 10% of the scoring is now attributed to ‘Social Value’,” says Chris Milburn director of consulting at Shipley UK. “This includes green policies, environmental impact, effects on the wider community and more. That is a sizeable percentage of the scoring allocated to sustainability related evidence, so when putting together a bid for any element of the public sector this is a key component. “Certain projects will value it even more; others will value it less. A lot depends on the organisation and their goals, so a tailored approach is essential, including researching who the bid is for, what their record is on sustainability and how much you think they will value that.

“Every bid is different, but for all sustainability is an important consideration.”

Declan Boyce, enterprise account director at Cinos, adds that as the UK government strives to meet ambitious environmental targets,

Chris Milburn Shipley UK

Declan Boyce Cinos


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