News in the Channel - issue #21


O nce upon a time, in the vast landscape of the digital world, there were three organizations—The First Little Pig Plc, The Second Little Pig Ltd, and The Third Little Pig Incorporated. Each little pig sought to build a robust defence against the cunning cyber threat wolf that roamed the digital wilderness. T he First Little Pig Plc, eager to establish a quick defence, built its cybersecurity house with straw, relying on the protection provided by a port-based firewall. The wolf, representing the relentless cyber threat, huffed and puffed,

employing basic techniques like phishing, malware and applications on non-standard ports, easily blowing down the straw house and infiltrating the organization. T he Second Little Pig Ltd, aware of the dangers, opted for a slightly sturdier house made of sticks, protected by a range of products from many different vendors. The wolf, undeterred, applied more sophisticated tactics such as social engineering and targeted attacks. The sticks house proved to be stronger, but the wolf’s persistence eventually led to a breach, compromising the organization’s defences. T he Third Little Pig Incorporated, determined to fortify its digital domain, constructed a robust house


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