News in the Channel - issue #21


How is Lenovo continuing to enhance its channel offering? IJ: Our goals with our channel offering in the coming months are to launch new certifications, new partner levels and to encourage partners to sell broader parts of our portfolio. Lenovo also aims to build on its recognition from Canalys as a Champion in the 2024 EMEA Titans Channel Leadership Matrix, as well as building on our Lenovo 360 Circle in EMEA to drive sustainability alongside our valued channel partners. Lenovo 360 Circle is gaining in popularity with 130 partners joining – what is its success down to and what are the benefits of joining? IJ: We’re pleased that so many new partners have joined Lenovo Circle in EMEA, and this is an area that we’re aiming to build on further. The success of Lenovo 360 Circle, which already has 21 partners signed up in the UK including big resellers such as Logicalis, Ingram Micro and Softcat, is down to its usefulness in a time where customer demand for sustainability has never been higher. Lenovo 360 Circle offers useful resources, tools and networking opportunities, which can include networking with other partners, to help partners drive their sustainability journey, regardless of where they are on it. How do partners get involved with Lenovo 360? IJ: Signing up to Lenovo 360 takes less than five minutes through our online form, and decisions are made very quickly, with approval in two days. Partners are central to Lenovo’s success, with 80% of Lenovo sales delivered through channel partners

Find out more about Lenovo 360 Circle

worldwide, so we ensure that signing up and getting started is as easy as possible.

What are your expectations for how the market will develop in the

next 12-18 months? IJ: I’m very positive about the outlook for the channel in the coming months. AI is not new to the channel, but the opportunities for resellers are just beginning. The rapidly accelerating appetite for AI is helping to create an environment where knowledge and skilled resources have never been more important. Vendors like Lenovo have deep vertical expertise in different AI solutions across industries such as manufacturing, healthcare and retail, but partners have a central role to play in installing and managing these solutions as well as communicating the potential of AI for customer businesses. For channel partners, you can really thrive in that space: build your value proposition, focus, adapt and be flexible, and then make money.

The rapidly accelerating appetite for AI is helping to create an environment where knowledge and skilled resources have never been more important. “ ”

What does Lenovo have planned for the next 12-18 months in terms of

product development and support for partners?

IJ: Lenovo is working closely with partners including Nvidia, Microsoft and Qualcomm to build a next-generation solution portfolio and product roadmap with a view to driving opportunities in AI for partners and customers. Lenovo is also investing in innovations around AI-powered edge computing and hybrid cloud and aims to accelerate IT modernisation. For partners, the key challenge of the coming months will be to ensure customers have the right mix of skills and technology to get the most from AI, and programmes such as Lenovo's AI Innovators program will help partners connect to the right AI and hardware experts to ensure customers get the most out of AI.


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