News in the Channel - issue #22


Prepare for the worst Sometimes in business no matter how careful you are, disasters still happen. This is why disaster recovery planning should be an imperative, especially for SMBs – and resellers should be pushing this to their customers.

Hope for the best but prepare for the worst. It’s a proverb that’s been around for many years, and variations of it are attributed to people from poet and civil rights activist Maya Angelou to Jack Reacher author Lee Child. But whoever has said it, it is a sentiment that business owners – especially of small- to medium-sized businesses (SMBs) – should heed. For an SMB, any sort of disaster – from a fire at its premises to being hacked by cybercriminals – that results in an extended period of downtime can be catastrophic. Indeed, some businesses never recover from a serious disaster and end up closing their doors for good within a few months.

dust – meaning that if they are required they won’t be optimum. This is where resellers need to come in and they have crucial role to play in ensuring that a good disaster recovery plan is put in place and kept up to date. But what should go into a good disaster recovery plan? Find out more on p46. Another consideration for SMB owners and managers – and therefore for resellers too – is storage. With more data being created than ever before – and the volume is only going to continue to grow in the future – storage is of critical importance, and cloud storage is an increasingly popular solution. But there are various options open to SMBs, from all-cloud to hybrid and on-premises and resellers have a crucial role in helping them to find the right solution. Read more on p35. Also, with artificial intelligence increasing the amount of data produced it also pushes traditional IT infrastructure limits, and creates challenges for data centres – but resellers can help businesses to overcome these. Martin Ryder from Vertiv explains more on p54. Elsewhere in the issue, we profile IT security distributor Distology, which is taking a different approach to company culture and recruitment and is reaping the rewards. CEO Hayley Roberts and CCO Sarah Geary talk about how they are trying to bring people into the sector that might not ordinarily consider a career in tech, the value of sales and marketing genuinely working together and more. Turn to p14 for more. As always, I hope you enjoy the issue. If there are any topics that you would like to see covered in a future issue of News in the Channel – or you have a news story or opinion piece you would like to send over to be considered for publication – please drop me a line at

Dan Parton

This is why disaster recovery planning should be imperative for SMBs. Yet statistics show that nearly half of SMBs don’t have a formal disaster recovery plan in place. Even then it is treated as an afterthought by some, and plans can be left on the shelf to gather

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