News in the Channel - issue #18

now a vision of cybersecurity prowess, they chatted through the night, Cinderfella perfectly able to showcase the advantages that Fortinet’s magic bestowed. The evening came to a close as the clock struck midnight and Cinderfella returned to the life of drudgery with the two incumbent ugly sisters. W ithin days, Cinderfella heard that the board were desperate to locate the perfect partner they’d met that night. Armed with the Glass Slipper of Proof, Cinderella bowed before them, presenting their perfect match. Enchanted, once again, by the promise of brand protection, compliance maintenance, and fortified cybersecurity, the board embraced Fortinet as the solution to lead their kingdom into a secure and prosperous future. It was the perfect fit!

A s the ugly sisters faded into obscurity, Cinderfella lived happily ever after, liberated from the mundane tasks of manual management and empowered to navigate the evolving digital landscape. T he moral of the story: In the cybersecurity kingdom, Fortinet helps even the most beleaguered manager to present the perfect fit, leading to a happily ever after where security reigns supreme, and the kingdom is safeguarded from threats.

Become a Fortinet partner to discover how to provide your customers with comprehensive cybersecurity solutions to protect their networks, applications, and data from evolving threats.


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