News in the Channel - issue #18


Intelligent thinking AI is becoming embedded in the workplace, and there is a raft of AI-enabled devices being launched into the market. This means it is imperative for resellers to be up to date with the technology and able to communicate its benefits to customers.

While AI has been a buzzword for some time, it is now starting to come of age with the practical uses for business starting to become clearer. With that, the number of devices that are being launched with AI as an integral part is starting to increase rapidly. For instance, in this issue, we cover the launches of two ranges of laptops that have AI integral to them by Dell and Acer. These are just two of the manufacturers that are now working with companies such as Microsoft to have assistants like Copilot installed on new models – many others have also launched models or have ones in development

Cybersecurity solutions are imperative, but they must be agile and cover all aspects of the business, including things like email. Read more on p24. This demonstrates how important AI now is – and will be in the coming months and years to businesses in all sectors – and that for resellers it is something they must be across as customers of all sizes will increasingly be asking about it. With the efficiencies that AI can bring, among other benefits, many businesses will look to lean into it to try and help improve their bottom line as costs for many are still high and margins low. This means that resellers need to have good knowledge of AI, AI-related devices and products and their applications. Customers will want their resellers to give them confidence about the potential for AI and lead them through the process to find the products they need to boost their business. If their usual reseller can’t do this – then they will find another that can. While AI is an emerging technology, and it isn’t always possible to have in-house expertise, resellers should find partners that can provide it and mean they can sell AI devices with confidence. As always, I hope you enjoy the issue. If you have any topics that you would like to see covered in a future issue – or you would like to get involved in editorial or send in a news story or opinion piece – please contact me at

Dan Parton

to launch in the coming months. You can read more on the Dell and Acer products on p14 and p20 respectively. AI is also starting to

change other aspects of the sector, such as how data centres

are cooled. With the increased power AI requires, it adds extra heat, meaning greater

cooling measures are required, and liquid cooling is an option to consider. Read more on p38. But while AI presents opportunities for businesses, it also brings threats. Cybercriminals are always looking for new ways to break into systems and steal data or hold a company to ransom to name but two things. Legal and financial services businesses are particularly attractive targets due to the often-confidential nature of the information they have, and AI is creating new threats that must be guarded against.

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