News in the Channel - issue #18



Compliance as a service But the sector never sleeps and there is constant innovation. One of the trends that will take prominence in the coming months is uptake of compliance as a service, Greg says – and is something Kaseya will be able to help MSPs with. “We're seeing a lot of data from the likes of Canales, IDC and Gartner predicting about £75 billion being spent by 2028 on compliance as a service,” he says. “Cybersecurity and cyber resilience are still huge areas for growth as MSPs and SMBs are spending more money than ever on it. But now we’re seeing lots of regulation and compliance coming into the market. A lot of these trends filter down from enterprise organisations down to SMBs and MSPs. But we're also seeing the NIST framework and other cybersecurity frameworks now, including compliance, security and insurance. I predict that there will be a lot more requests from SMBs for help and support with that because it's no longer a tick-box exercise, you must do those things in practice or insurance companies won’t pay out if there is an incident.” Good tailwinds These innovations and trends are indicative of the strength of the market currently and Greg is bullish about the future for MSPs and Kaseya. “It’s a buoyant market, we've got very good tailwinds currently,” he says. “We're seeing a slowdown of some larger scale project-based work at the enterprise level, but it's in line with where the economy is now. “It's a very strong market. It's a good time to be an MSP and we're seeing more come into the market. We're also seeing an increase in mergers and acquisitions, which is good because that tells us it's a good industry to be in. There is also a lot of PE and VC money coming in, as well as big enterprise companies coming in to try and take a slice of the pie.” But Greg acknowledges that there are areas with challenges and Kaseya is there to provide support to those MSPs that need it. “We understand that some of our partners need support in some areas as not everybody is booming,” he says. “A lot of that comes back to sales and marketing and how they go to market in certain verticals, which we can help with. “But overall, it's a very strong market, we've got strong outlooks for Kaseya and the market in general, so we are looking to the future with confidence.”

save huge amounts of money by automating a lot of arguably laborious or mundane day-to- day processes using AI and machine learning. “Likewise, MSPs are looking to automate as much as possible because technical staff – about 80% of employees within an MSP are technical – are expensive resources, they're hard to get hold of and to retain. It helps make the MSP more profitable and productive, but it also helps them retain their good tech talent because it takes out all the boring and laborious tasks so that they can work on more exciting projects or training and development. In our business too, it's critical. A big focus for our research and development team is all around automation, AI, machine learning and driving more integrations. “All our products at Kaseya are integrated with each other because we own the technology, so we can truly integrate an application at all levels, meaning products fully talk to and understand each other. Whereas lots of vendors talk about integration, it's often at a superficial level because they don't own the technology. “We've made leaps forward around AI and machine learning. One of our biggest achievements is Cooper, our AI platform that sits in IT Complete. One of the things Cooper can do is look at the technology an MSP takes from us and make recommendations based upon our partner base and how they're using the technology and the tools. “For us, AI and machine learning is huge because for a lot of SMBs now the biggest wins they're getting is not necessarily just from selling technology to customers, it's about improving their business processes and automating a lot of that.”

All our products at Kaseya are integrated with each other because we own the technology, so we can truly integrate an application at all levels, meaning products fully “

talk to and understand each other.


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