News in the Channel - issue #18


Object First partners with Exertis Cybersecurity

Exertis Cybersecurity has announced a collaboration with Object First, the developer of Ootbi (Out-of-the-Box- Immutability). This partnership marks a significant milestone in Exertis Cybersecurity’s commitment to delivering cutting-edge cybersecurity solutions to organisations across Europe. Ootbi is a ransomware-proof backup storage solution designed specifically for Veeam customers. It offers secure, simple and powerful appliance-based backup storage with out-of-the-box immutability and zero access to root. Designed around zero trust and data security principles, Ootbi helps customers drastically reduce their risk of ransomware affecting backup data with no security expertise required to operate. Ootbi’s object storage has been engineered to explicitly ingest and secure Veeam data at the default block encryption size, meaning no additional optimisation or configuration is required, and offers

supercharged instant recovery of up to 4Gbps. "We understand how crucial immutable

backups are in today's cybersecurity environment," said Matthew Swindail,

commercial manager at Exertis Cybersecurity. "Partnering with Object First enables us to provide channel partners with the necessary tools to safeguard their customers’ data and ensure business continuity. We believe Ootbi will offer tangible benefits, including improved data security, regulatory compliance and peace of mind." Mark Haddleton, EMEA channel sales director at Object First, added: "Teaming up with Exertis as our distributor was an obvious choice. The UK market is a significant one for Veeam, and virtually every Veeam customer can benefit from secure, simple and powerful backup storage to reduce their risk of ransomware and data loss. We are delighted to partner with Exertis Cybersecurity and look forward to a strong first year of growth together.”

Mark Haddleton channel sales director, EMEA

AI, automation and private networks top of tech agenda for UK enterprises

A need to increase revenues, keep up with technology advances and increase efficiencies are the top factors driving the need to purchase new technology, where AI, automation and private networks are top of the technology agenda, according to a report from CCGroup. In addition, there has been a dramatic proliferation in the marketing channels and content formats that enterprises refer to when making technology purchasing decisions, which are fundamental to vendor selection. Based on a survey of 200 technology decision makers from UK enterprises, the report, ‘ Understanding enterprise technology buying: Lessons for vendor marketing ’, showed that despite market conditions, enterprises are investing in new technologies and have healthy budgets to do so. When it comes to purchasing behaviours, the report reveals that: l O n average, enterprises have made five technology purchases in the past 12 months l Enterprises’ top priorities over the next 12 months are increasing sales (33%), reducing operating costs (32%)

and growth via new business areas or geographies (30%) l The need to increase revenues is a top deciding factor for purchasing new technology (47%); followed by the need to keep up with new technology advances (42%) and the need to increase efficiencies (42%) l Technologies being frequently discussed within enterprises are AI (73%), automation (69%) and private networks (69%). There are several additional factors that enterprises consider as part of the technology buying process: l 68% of organisations request a vendor’s sustainability policy as part of the RFP process l 60% of organisations request a vendor’s D&I policy l 56% of technology purchases involve a channel partner in some capacity – whether technology has been purchased via a partner, or through a combination of direct sales and via a channel partner. When making technology purchasing decisions, enterprises use a range of

Understanding enterprise technology buying: Lessons for vendor marketing




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